Tai Yi does not replace medical advice and attention. No advice will be offered on medications of any kind.
Partial List of Available Tai Yi Treatments from Tami
Advanced Treatments
Poison Release of Heart (NEW)
This can assist those who have a challenge with physical heart – including low energy in/around the heart. Releases poison over time and will feel more energy. Not an appropriate treatment for ones with a pace maker.
Restart the Immune System (NEW)
This is for those who feel run down. This will help energize/boost the immune system and boost energy levels. This is not an appropriate treatment for one who has auto-immune challenges.
Stomach Flowers (NEW)
Works with stomach, upper intestines, teaches one the difference between poison and healing and to know the difference. A lot of people issues with stomach/intestines take non-beneficial things to make themselves feel better and not healing. This treatment will bring in clarity what is non-beneficial that you are taking in/consuming. This can assist healing the stomach and upper intestines.
Helps to the know the difference between mental and emotional poisons and physical poisons. Helps one to see who they place themselves in a toxic places.
Brings life (flowers) to the stomach.
They might detox (vomit or diarrhea) or feel good.
A person who has stomach issues associated with anxiety may have poisons/toxins that are creating the anxiety.
Flowers (can be like Bach Flowers and different dried teas)
Pancreas Blood Become as One (NEW)
Helps how the blood and pancreas energize the organs – it strengthens the human body as a whole. Pancreas regulates consciousness. In how much you enjoy the sweetness in life. How often does not control their external sweetness with intervention (substance or something).
Glucose is close to the level of importance as oxygen. Can be good for a pre-diabetic (not full blown diabetic).
This treatment will NOT work post-cancer
Honoring the Healing of Disease (NEW)
Many judge a disease and become destructive toward the disease. That energy prevents the healing of disease. A person needs to honor the healing of it. A person can judge a disease and it gets worse or comes back. This treatment assists ones to recognize how they have been judgment the disease.
Physical Fatigue – 2 parts at 2 hours –> 7 days apart
This treatment is for people who are experiencing physical fatigue and taking multiple days off to rest does not resolve it. If a person is experiencing fatigue but can take several days off to recover and feel better, then this treatment is NOT necessary. With this treatment, the person will begin feeling ‘like themselves’ again with more energy. New choices must be made to maintain this momentum.
Spiritual Fatigue – 2 parts at 2 hours –> 7 days apart
This is for people who are ‘tired of working on themselves’ – which usually means they’re tired of hitting a brick wall. This can assist people who want to re-energize themselves on a healing level and continue their journey to overcome obstacles and past traumas (not limited to). New choices must be made to maintain this momentum.
Emotional Fatigue – 2 parts at 2 hours –> 7 days apart
This treatment can assist in a person re-gaining their momentum emotionally. Maybe the person tends to take on other people’s problems, tries to do too much (emotionally) and is worn out. They may have difficulties in finding the smallest amount of joy in life – everything may seem gray. This can assist a person in feeling energized emotionally. New choices must be made to maintain this momentum.
Revolution of Life Energy Points (one –> seven below) are what most people call ‘chakras’. The term used here is Revolution of Life Energy Point. Each treatment is a stand-alone treatment. Many people will only need one treatment for the main energy point that is stagnant. The energy point centers that are above and below the main stagnant one can correct themselves after the treatment has integrated (assuming internal changes were made following the treatment). These treatments have a short integration time period of only 24 hours.
Revolution of Life Energy Point #1 (NEW)
Point #1: Root
When the root energy point is out of balance, it wobbles instead of just rotating. When it does that, it hits the one above and moves that one out of balance. The symptoms: not grounded/focused, problems with legs/feet/rectum/anus/constipation/tailbone/hemorrhoids/arthritis in hips/pubic bone area.
Tendency to carry much stress about financial security and can easily be influenced by negative energies.
When IN BALANCE – feel creative energies, do not procrastination, focused and grounded and enjoy what you are doing.
What causes this point to go out of balance?
People who are not grounded and look to others to take care of them are the two primary factors. That does not mean one goes through a difficult time and asks for assistance (asking for assistance is positive). It goes out of balance due to chronic issues. All of these start slowly.
To rebalance, one needs to change whatever caused the imbalance.
Revolution of Life Energy Point #2 (NEW)
Revolution of Life Energy Point #2: Giving and Receiving
Stagnant symptoms – sexual and reproductive health issues/cancer, urinary/kidney problems, hip/pelvic pain, inability to fully express positive emotional energies, tendency to developing STDs
Those who have an impacted energy point 2, will use sex to get what they want/manipulate/control/approval/sex addiction/etc
A balanced energy point includes physical intimacy as an equal exchange of energy – healthy.
Very strongly tied to emotional body
Giving and receiving (equally) is not just with physical intimacy. It has to do generally. Sharing with others equally.
Revolution of Life Energy Point #3 (NEW)
Revolution of Life Energy Point #3: Solar Plexus
Typically very sensitive – stagnant solar plexus have digestive problems, higher rate of intestinal issues, pancreas, gallbladder, carry a deep fear of rejection (willing to accept negative to be accepted) – most prone to be corded/influenced.
A healthy one has a good digestive system, feel empowered, do not allow ones to take your power; what do you absorb in life? Other people? Or life itself? How do you choose to digest life? Digest emotions?
Intricate energy – separates nutrients from waste. When absorb emotions (from others), how long do you carry them? Do you carry any form of emotional impact from childhood?
Learn to let the old go. Many don’t do that.
Predominant energy in impacted solar plexus is guilt. Religion plays upon guilt. Guilt bends the mental body – bends the reflection from mind to something that is not there. How do you process environmental/societal/emotional pressures. Who are you? What if enlightenment is knowing who you are? If you did not fear emotional repercussions, how hard would it be for you to manipulated/controlled?
Revolution of Life Energy Point #4 (NEW)
Revolution of Life Energy Point #4: heart center
The lung is more center in the heart center than the actual heart. When energy point #4 is stagnant, one may have a weakness towards asthma, upper back, heart issues, constant fear of being alone (even if surrounded by people). When stagnant, is when people are least willing to accept spiritual guidance.
A healthy energy point #4, very open to guidance and to be loved and the center is a brilliant gold. To be loved for who you are – ones may try to be loved for what they are NOT. How does that interfere with #4 center? What they are not may or may not be hidden.
Do you keep a wall around you for fear of being hurt?
Revolution of Life Energy Point #5 (NEW)
Revolution of Life Energy Point #5: throat/expression
When this energy is stagnant, one may have thyroid issues, chronic sore throat, ear infections, pain in neck and shoulders, difficulty in expressing to be understood.
A healthy energy point is to have a clear voice, easy to speak truth in balance; balance of expression; authentic, pure
What is the difference between mental and emotional expression? Ideally, mental and emotional are expressed with in balance of each other. When you do one much more so than the other, it’s imbalanced. Introverted vs extroverted. Having a balance between the two is healthy. When expressing something mentally, you need to feel it. With emotions.
Expression (out of balance) can also be used as a weapon – rigid expressions, rules/regulations, judgments on speech itself. Filled with unconscious programs that rely on expression in society.
If you can control how one communicates, you can control the mind, mental and emotional bodies.
When you can communicate through the mental body in balance with emotional body, is when people get the message you’re sending.
Revolution of Life Energy Point #6 (NEW)
Revolution of Life Energy Point #6: third eye
It has the ability to see the future. It’s already happened, we’re just catching up to it. This must be balanced with emotions. The third eye has a tendency to be mental. To be understood. Blending the mental with emotional energies in a balanced manner.
When that energy point is stagnant, symptoms are: frequent headaches, blurred vision, prone to sinus infections, moody/stubborn, will try to create a future with social standard beliefs (instead of inner knowingness – creating a future of pain).
In balance: much patience, carry vision of soul future, live at peace in knowing soul future.
Revolution of Life Energy Point #7 (NEW)
Revolution of Life Energy Point #7: crown
The core of the crown sits inside where the skull merges together (after birth) – the skull goes through the center of the point.
When out of balance: mental issues, rigid thoughts, analyze to the point of mental paralyses, looping, strokes and brain cancer. Mental forgetfulness
Clear energy point: clear thoughts and live within knowingness and easily able to connect to higher self. What is the source of your wisdom? Where do you create from? What guides your life?
The 7th energy point works with the brain and mind and the emotions.
Children of Change (NEW)
This treatment is for physical, mental, and emotional harm brought about by changes in the earth, environment, and society. This treatment is for children and the child in the adult—no age limit.
Good for kids who may be in the middle of battle (parents), mentally/emotionally abused in school by bullies (peers/adults) – also for adults who are a black sheep. There is no age limit.
This works with physical, emotional, mental meridians: Primary energy
When child has emotional/mental harm done, meridians begin to constrict. Much easier for them to become what someone else wanted.
Black sheep of the family/school/society
After the treatment, the person will feel lighter around the skull for the most part – also in the body, but mostly in the head/brain.
Initiating Light
When starting a new phase of life (that is creating awareness of a new phase of life by being aware of all parts of self), this treatment helps prepare the foundation of your new adventure, whether it is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. When have solid foundation, cannot be shaken off of it. When others are against you, they cannot shake your foundation. The stronger the foundation, the longer your house stand.
Universal Cells
Humans are multicellular, complex organisms. The cells inside our bodies are “specialized.” This means that each type of cell performs a unique and special function. For this reason, each of the 200 different types of cells in the body has a different structure, size, shape, and function. BUT Universal Cells (UC) are beyond our 30 trillion human cells. UC are in the thousands. They are distinct and have another purpose and function. This treatment balances out these cells. This treatment can also open you up to new and very different experiences (when you allow it); it can help broaden your consciousness to include different perspectives and understandings in life.
The treatment assists you in putting your reality into order. This treatment is perfect for people who live in the past or future and avoid the now.
Because they’re living in the past, they keep re-creating the past over and over (same type of relationship, for example). When they live in the past, very easy to predict the future. ‘Living in the future’ means manifesting past into the future.
This treatment is for people who have allowed themselves to regress based on others’ desire for them to NOT change.
Not all people will be receptive to this treatment. If a person is heavily invested in being accepted by others, they may not want to create change for themselves if it means losing that ‘acceptance’.
Many times, ones will regress so they feel they are accepted. How important is it to be accepted? By work, community, family. Symptoms usually begin with mental energy, anger, resistance to change – emotionally have a tendency to become more depressed. Easier to accept overall consciousness of their environment – community, partner, employment.
Usually very important to be accepted. Especially if known in the community, example: business owner in the community or large family. Desire to be accepted vs. lowering frequency in reality. Sometimes it feels “good” to regress.
When a person sees they have regressed their positive change in order to please others, and want to move forward and re-create momentum, this treatment will help.
Hell’s Deception
This treatment is about transcending your hell from whatever time. It works with the mind and brain, physical and emotional. When you take a step towards the positive, an equal opposite polarity is presented. Hell’s Deception works on judgment when moving forward and leaving the past behind. Hell becomes its greatest deception when living in the now. It’s always important to drink a lot of water after a treatment; with this treatment, it’s even more important. Drink lots of water!
Splitting of the Brain Parts 1 & 2 (one-three hours apart) (NEW)
This treatment is about healing the issue of being pulled in two directions at once over a long period. It also helps identify where the two directions come from in your life cycle.
If you are confused now, you’ll end up in a confused future reality.
Going back and forth between different consciousness – again and again. It’s not healthy for the brain. Confusing to consciousness/brain.
Also helps with one who creates momentum and then gets pulled back due to genetic/brain programming.
It’s in two parts because working on one part of brain in one part, then second part. Will assist in clarity and consciousness in what you want to create! What you NEED to create. This will assist to bring clarity to consciousness where I am and where I am going.
Healing Of One
This is great for ones who encountered a negative event and they’re not feeling emotionally well. Helps balance energy and feel on a deeper level. Can feel more at peace. If feel impacted from energy absorbed during sleep will help dispel that energy.
Wait 5-7 days for any body work of any kind.
Recipient of Abuse
This is for people who have been abused for **WAKING UP** — this is NOT for childhood abuse, spousal abuse, etc. This is specifically for people who begin to question the status quo, what they’ve been told most of their life, religion, etc. If a person begins to question the status quo and they’re abused for it from family, friends, society, or others, then this treatment helps provide a temporary protection so the person can get centered and more balanced, thus movement forward in life. The abuse can be physical, mental, emotional. The treatment helps protect one from the emotional and mental abuse (obvious or subtle).
Anger From Future’s Past
Anger occurs in cycles. From past –> future –> moment cycle. Each cycle carries its own frequency. This treatment can help one to stop blaming others for their anger. This will feel like a burden has been lifted. This condensed anger is a set of frequencies. This treatment may need to be repeated for deeper integration. This assists with cycle MOST interfering in life.
Immunity of Self-Physical Body
Helps with strengthening the immune system as the physical body communicates/connects with mental and emotional bodies.
Immunity of Self-Mental Body
This helps assist in settling the energy that is rigid. As the mental body quiets down to listen, one can seek the truth. What are you looking for? Truth or lies. Truth is in the heart. Lies are in the belief system. This helps create a ‘quiet’ in order to feel truth and see the lies that have been believed.
Immunity of Self-Emotional Body
This assists with the emotional body to assist it to feel and also feel the mental body and back to emotional body. This can open one up for passion in life and heart purpose. This will bring opportunities to express passion – if you’ve had only a glimpse of heart path this can brighten that spark.
Dying With Dignity
This is NOT to prepare one for physical death. This is about death of the old. Do you have a long-standing pattern that keeps repeating itself in a painful manner? Maybe you’re unsure of its origin so you may attempt to heal the symptoms? This allows for the surface of the actual difficulty in order for a cleansing. It’s great for those who tend to think they ‘can’t’ get over something or achieve joy.
Dis-Eased Reproductive Organs
Works with the reproductive organs (male and female). Email Tami for more information
Dis-Eased Blood
Works with the blood. Email Tami for more information
Dis-Eased Ancestors
Works with inherited conflicts (dis-ease) from ancestors. Email Tami for more information
The I Within
Works with assisting one to know self, meaning the inner self to create clarity as to messages you receive. Is the message from the inner self or a thought projection?
Thought projection vs. a programmed self: programmed self can be front and center instantly-communicate with pictures. Can hear something and see a different kind of picture than what is being described-can have deep programs (communicate in pictures) or shallow programs (running 24/7)-every program has formed a protective mechanism-you try to pull it out and it sticks its claws in deeper.
The I Within works with the programmed self by exchanging pictures.
If have programmed self or issue, it’s connected to multiple pictures.
Can change the program by changing the picture with something that is a positive with self.
Like energy attracts like energy-have to look within self what you attract-if you want to create a healthy you-have to see what to change to attract the healthy you-
Have to get rid of some pictures or expectations.
Synchronized Life – Two Parts
This begins synching the brain’s master clock right away with the organs’ clocks. It harmonizes them. It takes work is changing routine to be in balance with nature.
Example: clock is off with the liver and have this treatment done. The body has been programmed to wake up at a specific time (1am-3am). The person will have to work through this time and it can take a while to begin blending but brain clock itself begins synching right away. (side effects: anxiety, upset, anger)
Timing: (optimal) two days apart; BUT can do parts 1 and 2 four days apart if having side effects
One who may benefit from this treatment: one who lacks energy, lacks creative energy as well, everything is a struggle, body is out of sync with consciousness.
The Age of Innocence
This treatment opens channels in your brain to begin to remember a time when you were full of innocence, meaning before the energy of guilt took over.
This is a ‘feel good’ treatment when someone is feeling down or discouraged through self-comparison. For people who have got caught up in fake-ness and propaganda. If one was continually insulted by a parent/s or angry parent and developed guilt. This pain is now present. This treatment is not a permanent type of treatment-it will bring up the feeling of innocence to overpower the energy of guilt. It gives a breather in order to feel that innocence to motivate to working on healing guilt and the old energy. If you use the energy ONCE and work on that energy-it can be a powerful tool.
Stress Gene Syndrome
Some have a genetic tendency to have worry and stress-over taxes the adrenals. Main issue with endocrine disorder. Those who would be good for this treatment have repetitive shock responses. Do you have a tendency to be shocked/flood of energy when something happens. Observe shock responses-and adrenaline. How much of it is environmental and how much is self-contained?
This does not decrease stress genes, it helps the rest of the body to work and flow with that level of stress so it’s not stressing the body-adrenals.
Adrenals, kidneys, pancreas, intestines, heart, liver usually in that order for most people.
Will feel more relaxes, head will feel lighter, feel more physical sensations in feet, some will break out in laughter-feel some relief
Peaceful Brain
This will assist the second brain to more fully develop without needing an injury to occur
What are hidden abilities? What lies are there? What you have is a done deal.
What you do with what you have is not a done deal.
This assists in accessing part of brain that is part of authenticity
Toxic Entity-2 parts
This treatment is for those who have been been around toxic people. These people can be physical or nonphysical. This repairs the a person’s energy field which can help in not attracting toxic people again (when the underlying difficulty is also examined). Parts 1 and 2 can be done two hours to two days apart.
This may be a good treatment for those who get corded quite often.
Dispersing the Past from the Future
Many have a tendency to take their past events and project them into their future. This can occur on a relationship, work, or other personal level. When a painful event happens, one may continue to carry that pain or conflict and project it into the next day, week, year.
This treatment assists with clearing that energy so one can create their future with clarity of energy.
Living With Life – (2 parts)
This treatment will energetically assist your intestines. Your intestines need microbes (though this does not ADD microbes) to properly function and communicate effectively with the brain.
Are you working on shifting out of an old consciousness? Perhaps one of fear, resistance, anger? You’ll want your intestines functioning at a high level to support change.
This treatment works directly with the intestines and parts 1 and 2 must be completed 7 days apart.
For one week prior, do NOT consume any probiotics of any kind or foods/drinks that act as probiotics. This allows your intestines to rest prior to the treatment. More information will be given when the treatment is scheduled.
Mind Brain Bond
This is a THREE-PART treatment that works with deeply connecting your brain and your mind. The effects can be a sense of calm, less chatter, deeper connection, and feel like you’re coming out of a cold winter and into a warm spring. This treatment is intense and each part can be from 24 hours to a 7-days apart.
Revelations From the Core Issue – TWO-PARTS
This will assist you in revealing your core issue. The core issue is an issue that comes up again and again and interferes in a quality life. The core issue is very individual to you. Some examples may be: sabotaging a relationship, getting terminated from jobs, money difficulties, self-punishment, self-sabotage, among many others. The core issue can begin surfacing to the conscious mind during the treatment so the person can begin effectively addressing it following the treatment. Parts 1 and 2 can be completed 3 hours to 3 days apart.
Toxic Bond
This treatment is in TWO-PARTS and is for those who are ready to heal and get on with their life after experiencing a toxic relationship. This can be any past relationship that still energetically influences or interferes with creating a future healthy relationship. Parts 1 and 2 can be completed 24 hours to 9 days apart.
Ancestral Power
This treatment redirects your ancestral power, the power collected through your ancestral heritage. Throughout ancestral heritage history there is power and knowledge and collective energy. This redirects or realigns ancestral power. Different abilities they had, you also have to different degrees. This will assist that energy to come forward and you can tune into it. For example: maybe an ancestor had the ability to learn multiple languages. You’ll begin feeling what the ability is. This will assist in manifesting predominant genetic abilities from your ancestors.
The Guilt Gene
Every culture has institutions to implant guilt. This treatment helps to move the consciousness out of guilt and set up shield of protection from self and guilt projections from society and corporations. The guilt gene is part of cultural and ancestor heritage. This treatment will send a lot of energy around and through the gene itself. If one carries a lot of guilt around love, have the Guilt of Love treatment three days before Guilt Gene. If you are guilty of something you did, work on forgiveness. This treatment is for those who feel guilty but have not done something for which they are guilty.
Pain Gene
If you are planning to receive Joy Gene, that must be done first within one month of Pain Gene. This gene regulates how much pain you experience. Like circuits and signals go through there. Some are greatly magnified and some are tripled. This always comes from the female/mother’s side of the family and can become dominant.
There can be one pain, but multiple perceptions of pain. The different perceptions of pain can vary to large degrees and can vary due to mental programming.
Joy Gene
This treatment empowers the perception of joy, thus allowing one to feel more joy in what they create. Most people want to feel joy in the creation of others. Will assist in the feeling and perception of feeling of joy in your creation. May create joy but not recognize it, suppress it. But then also people create artificial joy, that leads to guilt and punishment. That can be in placing something in the body to feel joy (substance). This allows joy to come forth, it allows the perception to increase.
Truth Anxiety
This treatment depletes anxiety that is caused by attempting to awaken inner truth. The anxiety is the result of denial and resistance to change. If you are in denial of something that is true within yourself and you’re confronted with the truth, it creates anxiety. For some, they already know what that truth is. For some, it can uncover the truth to become more conscious. Also those who are taught to live a lie have a level of anxiety. If ones are taught to suppress expression, there will be a level of anxiety. This will help deplete that anxiety.
Bonding Intelligence (2 parts)
Parts 1 and 2 can be done 1 hour to 24 hours apart
This treatment works with the prefrontal cortex. How is the past influencing current choices? Do you carry around past trauma and inserting it into the current time frame, thus creating more trauma? Do you carry an expectation of pain because pain is what has occurred in the past? This will bring clarity to which lies (life is painful is an example) one is still holding onto in order to directly address the lie and heal it. This can help one see beyond the ‘blinders’ in order to see different directions, angles, and choices.
Hell of a Brain
This treatment changes the brain slowly and methodically. It helps the adjustment after a trauma has occurred or another strong event that is not necessarily a trauma. Those who have difficulty with focus and comprehension can benefit from this treatment. This can also help uncover passion and that which is deeply held in the brain. One may feel a sense of peace after this treatment.
Love Obstruction
Many times when two people enter into a relationship, they bring old patterns which can disrupt the new relationship. This treatment assists in helping two people understand the old patterns and begin clearing out the old and finding a common passion. If both are desiring this treatment, it’s best to have it on the same day together. This can also assist one who is not in a current relationship. It will help one come to understand old patterns and help begin clearing those in order to, later, establish a new and healthy relationship.
Balancing The Etherical Body
This treatment will assist you in seeing (through dreams and/or visions) what you are creating that you do not want to manifest in your physical reality. That could be disease, accidents, money issues, relationship issues, or more. Everything is created in the Etherical body before it manifests in the physical body or reality. With this treatment, you can catch it and heal it before it becomes a reality.
False Identity
This treatment is a brain treatment that will assist a person in understanding and identifying how they created a false identity (usually in childhood) and how to heal it. It begins to help you break away or chip away at the false identity in order to begin seeing and expressing your authenticity. This is not to be confused with multiple personality.
Healing The Broken Door
Healing the Back Door Tai Yi treatment. This helps tune the meridians to Universal Love by healing areas that are stagnate. Where there is stagnation, one area may have too much energy and another area not enough. This can create anger and looping or recycling of old emotions and energies. This works with that to bring one into balance and feel universal love. One will feel rejuvenation.
Healing The Bastard
This treatment is for anyone who was unwanted as a child. Perhaps you were ‘supposed’ to be a different gender, maybe an unexpected pregnancy, or your parents just didn’t know what to make of you or know how to love you. You could have been clothed, educated, and fed well, but significantly lacking in love from family. This is a powerful new treatment to begin the healing process of feeling unwanted and unvalued.
Cultivating The Mind
This treatment helps recover ancient memories. It opens the channel between the mental body and brain to bring energy to the consciousness. This could be suppressed memories from this life or from another life.
Mending the Broken Cycle of Death
This treatment can help a person stop blaming issues on a past life or past life experiences. The Broken Cycle of Death keeps one in their ‘wall’, or a constant obstacle to change.
Dirty Brain
This TWO-PART treatment is designed to assist a person in healing their leaky gut. Leaky Gut Syndrome interferes with digestion and absorption of nutrition and supplements. Some indicators of LGS are inflamed joints, poor digestion and/or elimination, allergies, thyroid issues, autoimmune issues, mood issues, inflammatory skin issues are a few symptoms. Parts one and two can be offered 3 hours to 72 hours apart.
Link of Destruction – 3 parts
Link of Destruction is a THREE-PART treatment that is designed to release an energetic link that is attached to the cerebellum and into the temporal lobe of the brain. The link comes from a non-physical person (most of the time) and it feeds into anger, depression, and memory issues. This is done through synapses, the chemical communication of neurons. A person with a link may find he or she is doing something against his or her own natural personality or hear thoughts (in one’s own voice) that are sabotage or angry thoughts. Each part can be done 24 hours to 36 days apart and must be consistent.
Stress of Death- 2 parts
Stress of Death is TWO-PART treatment designed to assist people who have (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) PTSD. PTSD is associated with war veterans, but can also occur from childhood trauma, abuse of any kind, car accidents, natural disasters, sudden illness or death of a loved one. This assists a person in feeling relieved of the symptoms of PTSD. This does not replace therapy that one may already be seeking or thinking about seeking. Each part needs to be completed 24-48 hours apart.
Zone of Death
This treatment purifies the toxic death of old. Many hold onto their past or future deaths influencing their current choices and ailments. What energy of death still attaches to your physical body? This helps the process of cleansing to begin and allows for a clearer understanding of the person’s core pain. Read Hossca Harrison’s latest blog titled T.H.I.S. The Human Immune System at www.Discoveringanadventurecalledlife.com.
Detox Life
This treatment prepares the physical, mental, and emotional bodies for a complete detox. This treatment should be done one week prior to any detox treatments. This treatment allows for a more complete detox, including what the subconscious mind and or impacted organ/gland holds onto.
Denial of Life Syndrome Parts 1 and 2
Most people have subconscious blocks to joy, peace, and passion. What is your block? This treatment works with you to help you identify your main block, how it works (when it’s activated), and how to move beyond it in order to create a different experience.
This treatment is in two parts. Parts 1 and 2 can be two hours to two days apart.
Circulating Circulation
This treatment is for those who have slow circulation. The symptoms might be feeling cold, broken capillaries, and sluggish system. This will slowly begin shifting the circulation to a stronger one while facilitating toxin release from the lymphatic system. For this work, you need to be willing to dry skin brush and exercise for a month following the treatment. More information will be offered at the time of the appointment.
Brain Stress
This treatment is for those who have been holding on to way too much stress. Chronic excessive stress on the brain increases cortisol production. This can impact your health to the degree of a heart attack or stroke. Brain Stress will help balance your brain and your cortisol production.
Brain Fog
This treatment allows for the brain to detox and become more clear. You’ll feel a better sense of knowingness and focus.
Evolutionary Blending
This treatment assists you to become more in balance with the earth changes. It also assists with solar storms as well.
The Power to Be One
The Power to Be One is for those who want help in opening themselves up to their own power. This helps a person see the walls he or she builds that prevents self-power and allows the seed of power to begin opening.
Hormonal Human
Hormonal Human is for people who have experienced or are experiencing menopause (male and female) or other issues with the hormones. This can be related to childbirth, ongoing emotional issues, or for some other reason. It assists the person in beginning to rebalance the hormones. This treatment can take three months to fully actualize in the energetic system of the recipient as it balances hormones. The person receiving this treatment must be willing to look at and change (if necessary) diet and lifestyle to support a healthy hormone system.
Abnormal Thyroid
(Best one week after Hormonal Human-but not required) Abnormal Thyroid is for people who are experiencing thyroid issues. Symptoms of Abnormal Thyroid. You might feel run down and tired, or have brain fog. You usually gain weight or experience hair loss. Others may feel hyper, anxious, or sweat a lot, more than usual. All of these are common symptoms of thyroid disorders. The thyroid gland regulates many processes within the body; women in particular are likely to have these disorders that affect the function of this essential gland. Recognizing and treating these conditions are critical for optimum health and preventing long-term health problems.
Awakening Memories Beyond Time
This treatment works with the meridians connected to dark energy, dark matter, which allows for memories of future issues, including future issues with your body, mind, and emotions.
Cord Removal
This is a treatment that removes the energetic influence of a cord. If you have a cord, all parts and residue of the cord are removed in one treatment. To read more about cords, go to the cord blog article on this site. (Sea Wave is optional after Cord Removal for an additional fee)
Sea Wave
This treatment brings mental and emotional clarity and calmness. It removes stagnant energy from the body to allow the person to gain clarity and a sense of peace.
Brain Deception
This treatment brings into awareness of how the brain is using deception to sway a person away from one’s own healing. This treatment is best to be done after Toxic Moon to release emotional toxins first.
Toxic Moon
Toxic Moon can only be done FIVE DAYS before, FIVE DAYS after, or the DAY OF a FULL MOON. This treatment allows emotional toxins to be released that are attached to past events, such as a abandonment, abuse, or lack of bonding.
Memories Through Time
This treatment allows a person to remember life BEFORE self abuse became a PATTERN.
Hollow Heart
This treatment is for ones who have died of a broken heart or who are dying of a broken heart. When one has or is dying of a broken heart, their heart chakra is out of balance. Also, it can create heart disease in the physical heart. This person can also be experiencing unconscious suicide. The treatment will help balance the heart chakra and the client can feel a renewed sense of life. At first, after the treatment, the person will feel a surge of uncomfortable feelings, such as old anger, grief, and fear as it purges. It needs to purge to allow you to feel the renewed sense of life.
Let Me Be You Syndrome
This treatment is for those who look for approval. That approval seeking can be in society, parents, spouse/partner, children, etc. The person’s true creativity ability is asleep. They often carry a deep take care of me energy. After the treatment, the person will feel more creative and more powerful. However, the person will also experience the opposite polarity to ‘go back to the old’ and will need to make a choice.
Brain Passion
Most people use energized thought perceiving it is passion. Passion is the energy needed to create heat in the meridians. Brain Passion is a clearing treatment as well as a treatment to assist in one creating new patterns. This clears old energy within the meridians.
Book of Change
This assists people that are going through much change. It creates clarity as to what order change needs to be created. When change is created out of order, imbalance occurs.
Channel of Wisdom
This opens the channels to the ancient brain to allow the ancient mind to function. This exercise is for ones who have taken action to go into deeper awareness of who they are and a deeper understanding of healing.
Tomorrow’s Yesterday
This helps ones to keep focused on what they are creating today. This is great for people who continue to recreate the past or leave the future up to someone or something else. This will assist the person to psychologically focus more and then make new choices. A person who leaves his or her past up to someone or something else usually wants to be taken care of.
Light of Destruction
This treatment will strengthen the immune system of the skin from harmful sun rays. It also assists in radiation poisoning from dark (unseen) energy. This treatment is good for those who continue to get sick.
Perception of Healing
This treatment will bring clarity and understanding to the individual attempting to heal and allow the person to gain an accurate perception of healing. Many people have a perception of what their life will be like when they heal an issue. That perception may be incorrect because it was created during a time of pain. As a result, people could work at healing an issue AND have healed it, but do not think they have because they do not see the result they thought they would see. This includes people who are healing a trauma. Because the the result of the healing does not match the perception of healing, the person may re-injure him or herself. Many times this will discourage one from further healing. The treatment removes the false perception and works with all the bodies, unconscious and conscious.
Fire of the Brain
This treatment resets the firing in the brain and allows the brain to properly process information from the mind. This can also assist with memories and false memories. As well as, it can assist with brain injuries, concussions, strokes, former drug use, long term depression, anger, stress, child abuse, and for those who are out of their body too much. The secondary purpose is assistance with the neurotransmitters and can be very useful to one who has abused the brain.
Life Energy Flow Tai Yi treatments have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). These treatments are not intended to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease.